Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Weight 287 (Still!)

The weather was absolutely gorgeous yesterday. It was a warm 70 degrees F and the whole family had the day off.

Tim took the girls to the bookstore and I got myself together and trekked outside to do some yardwork. Keep in mind that last year, I was so mad about not having weight loss surgery that I didn't do much of anything. I was so focused on having surgery during the summer that really nothing else mattered.

I started out pulling last years dead flowers and leaves out of the front raised flower beds. As I stood on top of the landscaping bricks uncovering tupils and daffodils, I felt like I was a king on a mountain. I can bend and move like never before.

Tim came home and helped me tackle the garden. It was funny because there was still some snow on the ground and yet it was warm.

(Our youngest shoveling the deck in shorts)

As we finished up, I realized that it was indeed a good thing that I didn't have surgery last summer. I would have never felt as good as I do now and I get to spend the whole summer feeling great.

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