Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Weight 283

Yes, that's a gain of 4 pounds! I have no idea what is going on. Nothing has changed except that I've been taking Vicoden. I'm seriously freaking out here.

Click to visit A Longer Road

For those who started their WLS journey at or above 350lbs.


SignGurl said...

Susan, I'm in the middle of my cycle. I think it's the vicoden since I lost 3 since yesterday.

wmy said...

Hey sweetie! Thanks for inviting me to your blog. It is the Vicoden. I was on Vicoden for quite a while when I was having all the problems with my ovaries...not only did I have the water retention issue, I also craved sweets like crazy!! Hopefully you can avoid that...btw, congrats on losing those 3lbs...I am sure you will be right back on track in no time!

kimmyk said...

Don't be discouraged...just keep doin' what you know to be best for you....I think you'll be ok. Just take care of the pain right now and everything else will work it out.

SignGurl said...

Hey Wendy! I knew you would be interested. I'm glad to know it's the vicoden. I was freaking out!

Kimmy, welcome! A friend was saying the same thing about losing weight when the gall bladder is removed. I hadn't thought of that. Only that less pain has to equal weightloss (I hope).

Team Kitty said...

You are probably right about the vicodin. My mother lost weight with her gallbladder - even though she was pregnant with my younger brother. In fact, she was 7 mos. along before she knew she was pregnant!