Friday, January 26, 2007

3 Month Check Up

Weight 308

The checkups led to some good news and some bad. Let's get the bad out of the way first.

The dietician spanked me for eating soup. I eat soup for lunch every day since we eat out and I can get it in a 1 cup size. Weighloss surgery patients are not allowed to eat any liquid calories. The reason for this is that liquids will not stay in our small stomachs which leads to hunger quicker. The rule is that if you were to put a substance in a funnel and it goes through immediately, you should not eat (or drink) it. This also applies to my awesome protein shake I make myself for breakfast every day. She did say I could use less liquid to make it thicker. I'm so bummed because I'm finally getting all the protein I need in. She doesn't want me to have it for breakfast, but for a late snack instead. Her reasoning for this is that she wants whatever you eat for breakfast to stick with you longer. I'm going to continue with the shakes until I find I'm not losing weight.

Tim spoke with the exercise psysiotherapist first. He's all gung ho to continue with his gym training (he goes every day). This made me look like a bum since I'm doing some leg lifts and band training. The exercise guy was very cool about my plan. I was so embarrassed because my stomach decided to rebel right in the middle of our appointment. Luckily, there was a bathroom close by. I think it was nerves.

Bad news for Tim came in that he will probably have to have his gall bladder removed within the next 3 months. He was told to watch how he's feeling very closely.

Now for the good news! We have both lost a total of 76 pounds each. His BMI (body mass index) has decreased by 9% and mine by 12%. I have lost 10 inches in both my hips and belly.

really good news! My blood test results are back.

  • My cholesterol is 115 (less than 200 is normal)
  • HDL 26 (greater than 59 is normal [he didn't mention anything about this being too low so I don't know])
  • LDL 80 (less than 100 is normal)
  • triglycerides 45 (less than 150 is normal)
We were both shown a picture of ourselves from when we started this journey. I had a hard time looking at mine. It's a place I never want to go again. The physician's assistant remarked that we both had noticable physical changes. (I still don't see mine.)

To this day, I haven't regretted for a minute that I had weightloss surgery.

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