Thursday, June 14, 2007

Being Accountable

Weight 254- down 130 pounds!!!

Things aren't moving too quickly on the weight loss front. I'm trying to be patient.

Felicia got my lazy butt to start being responsible for what I'm putting in my mouth. I've been brutally honest with myself by keeping track on FitDay. I haven't gone over 1000 calories yet, but my carbs are high at around 50. I'm getting in 65 grams of protein on average a day. I've also been getting more water in. I'm still only at about 60 oz. per day.

Here is a picture a friend took of me today.

1 comment:

kimmyk said...

How many calories are you suppose to have a day?

I had to have a heart to heart with myself last weekend. Seems I've been doing that alot lately. Not sure what is going on. I want to lose just 10 pounds..but I've been at the same weight now since September. Guess I need to double up on my protein and increase my water, but some days I can't drink that much. I don't know...frustrating at times. I know this week I had to practically yell at myself to walk and I did and I honestly felt a lot better once I got out there-it was just the getting me out there.

You look so pretty. Do you see a change? I sometimes still see my old's hard to see where I've changed at times. Do you feel that way? Weird.